Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Spy Who Loathed Me, at the Kremlin! Word gets around.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Progress Report

Thanks to all the backers of my successful Kickstarter campaign, which concluded a couple of months ago. Since then, I've had the book edited, done extensive rewriting, had the cover and interior designed, and today I delivered to the designer the last of the corrections to the galleys. So, within the next few days we should be sending the book to Createspace. I'll get a proof from them and see if everything's okay. Then it's done, and all of my patient backers will receive their signed books. 

Next step is promotion. I solicited reviews on Goodreads, and those blurbs will be on the back cover. But I consider this first wave of books more of a promotional tool. I'll use it to solicit reviews from established sources, and to get blurbs from name writers. Today, I wrote letters to Jonathan Coe, Gary Shteyngart, Martin Amis, and Christopher Buckley, and TC Boyle, all of whom I admire greatly. It's something of a long shot, but I'm hoping they'll blurb. Once I get the books in hand, they'll go out to these writers, and a few others. I'll also send out review copies at that time. 

The beauty of POD is that I can make tweaks and changes. After all of the proof-reading I've paid to have done, and done myself, it would flabbergast me if there's a typo. But there probably are some. I can fix those. I can add quotes from prominent writers or reviewers. 

I'm also interested in doing readings in Ventura County and in the Bay area, where there were a lot of Kickstarter backers. If all the backers invite just a few friends to the reading, I should have a full house. I'm thinking I'll have a laptop on hand, too, and ask my backers do write a one sentence Amazon review on the spot. Getting noticed is all about reviews. 

I'm also hoping, with the assistance of my fine son Drew, to set up a reading in New York, thinking I'll be out there to visit him sometime in May or early June. 

Lastly, I went to, looking for promotional items I can buy. I commissioned an a cappella song about the book, and I'll post it when I can figure out how. 
